A Day in the Life


Physically, the middle school is self-contained within Cabot’s K-12 learning environment, allowing students develop a “home base.” The goal is to build a tight-knit, supportive community where students are comfortable and confident. Student lockers are located directly outside the core classrooms for easy access to books and supplies.

Building a cohesive school schedule across so many grade levels is no easy feat—there is a lot of sharing of people and resources. With that in mind, we’ve worked to construct a framework that maintains flexibility and provides middle school learners with a dynamic program of studies.

A central pillar of the schedule is the daily “project block” of integrated science/social studies. In addition, middle school students will have a math lab, readers/writers workshop (literacy), Spanish, and alternating electives in gym, art, and music. We encourage all students to participate in Cabot’s exceptional music and performing arts program. Students who do not enroll in the music block will design and implement personal “choice projects” that they will present during the year.

New this year, we’re introducing a Design Tech block each Friday that will help students learn tool skills and shop safety. Projects in Design Tech will support core learning expeditions where possible. Students will also have have a Science Lab on Fridays in which they will perform experiments exploring core project concepts and create lab reports that display their findings.

Seventh grade students will have a Financial Literacy class each week as well as a Grammar Lab twice a week. Eighth graders will have a Leadership course that integrates skills and concepts related to our Siskin outdoor leadership program as well as a survey of US government and civics.
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